Aquila 42U Nylgut High G Banjo Ukulele Strings

item# AQU_42U

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Aquila Banjo Uke High G New Nylgut®

Plain unwound strings

Until the mid-20th century all the Ukulele strings strings were made in gut, a material that had been used for thousand of years and that combines good promptness of attack and excellent performances . A fundamental aim of our research has therefore been to design a new synthetic product having the same acoustic properties as gut, but without its typical defects (high cost, short lifetime, high instability under moisture changes). Our New nylgut® has precisely all these good qualities without all these defects.

Its features include promptness of attack, excellent performances and a truly remarkable stability of intonation under moisture changes.


BANJO UKE GCEA Banjo Uke Set High G 42U New Nylgut®

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