Aquila 157C Sugar Flamenco Guitar Strings Extra High Tension

item# AQU_157C

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Aquila 157C Sugar Flamenco Guitar Strings Extra High Tension

These strings have been developed following the indications we received from Ruben Diaz (that has been a pupil and close collaborator of Paco de Lucia): according to Paco de Lucia, as a matter of fact, the tension of the strings used for Flamenco needed to be further increased as compared to those used on the classical guitar, while making sure that all strings had the same tactile feel under the fingers (i.e. the “equal feel" that ancient lutenists referred to). Thanks to these indications, we were able to develop this special set that we want to dedicate to Paco.

The bass strings are made with a special protective varnish that not only assures less noise under the fingers, but it also prevents allergic reactions to metals, and the unwanted oxidation processes that frequently occur on common strings with silver plated copper wounding.

With a transparent look that resembles crystal glass, the Sugar Guitar Trebles, conceived in Extra tension to be used in Flamenco, are made using a recently discovered Italian blend of a plastic material derived from sugar-cane.

The sound of these strings is clearly brilliant, clean and prompt, and provide great acoustic power. Unlike Fluorocarbon strings, these strings have an excellent vibrato and a remarkable timbre variation when played very close to the bridge and then up over the sound hole. Laboratory tests showed that Sugar strings have a projection of sound (measured in Joules) and a sustain respectively 24% and 18% more than fluorocarbon strings.

These strings have, in their extremes, the sweetness and sing-ability of gut and the clearness and promptness typical of Fluorocarbon. Another important property is the characteristic sustain, which by scientific measurements is superior to any type of string currently available in the market. Another measured feature is the sound projection: our scientific tests have shown that it is superior to Fluorocarbon strings. Although the surface is extremely smooth, the grip on the fingers is remarkable; in other words it is never slippery.


In the event of a squeaking sound that appears at the beginning under the right hand fingers, it is suggested to use a hand lotion, or even better a softening paste used to adhere to sheets of paper.
