Strings and Beyond Blog
Exploring the World of Guitar Strings - From Basics to Beyond!
A journey through guitar strings - from techniques to tales of tradition.
Your Bass "Scale Length" is the distance from the Bridge to the Nut of your Bass. Your Bass "Speaking Length" is the distance from the Ball End of the String to the Nut of your Bass. The "Speak
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Whether you play an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar or both, you likely at some point have wondered if and how the strings differ from one another. Can you put acoustic strings on an electric guit
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Badfinger: In the music world, it's the name of a '60s band once touted as the next Beatles. But for guitar players, especially beginners, a bad finger or bad fingers can be an unpleasant side effect
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Tuning your guitar takes practice and patience. The steps below describe how to tune your guitar once you have the 6th string in tune. However, a standard guitar tuner can help you tune each string
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Whether you play an acoustic or electric guitar, high-quality guitar strings are crucial to getting the sweet sounds you want from your instrument. Strings are affordable too, so it's wise to spend as
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So many guitar strings, so little time. When you take into account all of the brands, materials and sizes for guitar strings, the number can seem infinite, and the effect can be mind-boggling. And
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Strung up about what acoustic guitar strings to buy? At some point, all guitar players will ask themselves ?What are the right acoustic strings for me?? Over the years, the choices have become overwhe
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When it comes to getting the sweetest notes out of our guitar, there are a lot of factors involved. Innate talent, rigorous practice and inherent musical skills are all musts, of course. It helps to h
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Acoustic or electric? Each type of guitar has its pros and cons, but electric guitars do offer some intrinsic advantages. For example, they tend to be smaller and easier to handle than acoustics. Beca
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