DR Tite-Fit Nickel Plated Electric Guitar Strings LLT-8 Lite 8-38

item# DR_LLT-8

List Price $9.99
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DR Tite-Fit round-wound nickel-plated electric guitar strings are designed to be a great all-around string. They are available in a wide range of gauges. Based upon a round core, the construction techniques for the Tite-Fit electrics are very old. However, the core wire and wrap wire in DR's are the latest, most advanced and expensive metals available. For flexibility, for tone, for long life; for rock, blues, heavy metal, jazz. Tite-Fits are an incredible all-around string.


MT-10 Med-Tite 10 13 17 26 36 46

LLT-8 Lite 8 11 16 24 30 38

LT-9 Lite-Tite 9 11 16 24 32 42

LH-9 Lite-Heavy 9 11 16 26 36 46

HT-9.5 Half-Tite 9.5 11.5 16 24 34 44

JH-10 Jeff Healey 10 14 18 32 44 56

BT-10 Big-n-Heavy 10 13 17 30 44 52

MH-10 Med-Heavy 10 13 17 28 38 50

EH-11 Heavy 11 14 18 28 38 50

JZ-12 Jazz 12 15 24 32 42 52

MEH-13 Mega-Heavy 13 17 26 36 46 56

LT7-9 7 String Lite 9 11 16 24 32 42 52

MT7-10 7 String Medium 10 13 17 26 36 46 56

EH7-11 7 String Heavy 11 14 18 28 38 50 60

TF8-10 8 String Medium 10 13 17 26 36 46 56 75

TF8-11 8 String Heavy 11 14 18 28 38 50 60 80
